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Personal information |
Attorney at law, PhD Evgeni Imenitov is a graduate of Financial academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Release of 2001, the honors degree), since 1997 trained and worked in the Russian credit and financial organizations (Open Society "Bank Rossiski Credit", Open Society "IMPEXBANK", etc.). E. Imenitov 's bank practice has been connected with practical servicing on all spectrum of settlement, financial and credit services, including work with problem debts; system engineering of information of processes of the bank activity, new bank products and services. Till November, 15th, 2004 (during 3 years) Imenitov Evgeni had carried out training in internal postgraduate study of chair "Banking" of Financial academy and in March 2005 successfully passed competition for a scientific degree (PhD in economics). From September, 2005 till February, 2009 - the listener of the Russian academy of justice under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, faculty of professional training for judicial system (honors degree). Starting July, 2009 - the lawyer of Lawyer chamber of Moscow, registration number 77/9605 in the register of lawyers of Moscow. In lawyers bureau "JurInterKonsalting" Imenitov Evgeni works since July, 2003, providing financial and economic support of affairs which are conducted by Board partners, with partners КА of "JurInterKonsalting" cooperates since 1998.